DVBC student Ministry

It is our goal for children and families to know and grow in Christ. We want everyone to feel loved, have self-esteem through Christ, show love and respect to others, and shine for Him. Using music, games, drama and crafts in our ministry to help us to obtain this goal. We have activities such as VBS, fall festivals, day trips, bowling, and skating to have Christian fellowship and show others that we care. We want to reach out to others.

We invite your children and your family to Donelson View Baptist Church to experience our children's ministry and look forward to serving you here!

Children's Ministry  Schedule

  • Childrens Ministry
  • On Sunday mornings at 9:30am, children meet for Sunday school. They then go to "Big Church" for the beginning of service then go to "Children's Church". The lesson that is taught is reinforced with singing, games and videos.